Saturday 31 August 2013

Late Summergrams

1) We spent the bank holiday driving to Suffolk to visit Grandad in his sweet old house. We laughed, chatted, admired the garden and whizzed around giddily on Rex's speedy electric bicycle! (Disclaimer: Do not try this at home.)

2) My week was all about reading books recommended by library customers and friends, and enough form-filling to make any office worker swoon (accompanied by homemade blueberry cakes.) Oh, the life of a graduate!

3) The late afternoon sunshine, these flowers and this mischevious face all made me smile. 

 4) Will and I drove southwards for a birthday party (well, Will drove and I sang along to Van Morrison and complained about his driving!) The most perfect thing was our spontaneous stop-off at Hayling Island beach. Denim blue water, wind in the hair and stones in the shoes are oh so good for the soul, I think. 

5) Feeling thankful for cuddles with the same kitty we've snuggled since I was seven, and giggly coffee catch-ups with true blue high school friends. La vita e bella!

How was your week?

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